The first 30 “Day 1” working at Amazon


This Chapter of my career journey is called: Give yourself grace and embrace being a student all over again.

Every day is Day 1 at Amazon. Hence, for the past 30 “Day 1” I’ve been waking up and logging into the digital world of from the comfort of my bedroom in San Francisco with the sole mission of showing up as the best version of myself.

Let’s Rewind

Who you are, is who you are.
If you cannot be 
who you are where you are, you change where you are, not who you are.
- Caroline A. Wanga

I heard these words for the first time in February 2020. Little did I know, connecting again with the sense of who I am was going to be the anchor that would help me stay grounded for the months to come.

For the first time in my adult life, I felt no sense of pride in terms of accomplishments. I loathed the thought of meeting up with people without a clear idea of what was next. So every day, I woke up with the sole purpose of rectifying my situation and getting back to my career journey.

During most of the summer, the interviews that I was going through didn’t seem to be going anywhere and truthfully I probably wasn’t showing up as my best self as I was interviewing from a place of necessity and not a place of enthusiasm and purpose. Discouraged, I trusted the process and took it one day at a time.

Then at the end of the summer, things just fell into place for a few work opportunities. As if life pulled me out of purgatory claiming “it’s time for you to resume your career journey”.

After considering a few options, I said yes to Amazon, packed my suitcases and off to the US I was (again). Goodbye Montreal, family, friends. I will be back soon.

What am I up to?

Because of the pandemic, I am currently in San Francisco, working remotely until office dynamics require me to be in Seattle.

In terms of onboarding to my role, I am both overwhelmed and excited at the idea of tackling the challenges of being part of such dynamic and revolutionary organization. So I’ll do what I do best, take it one day at a time and focus on showing up as the best version of myself despite the feelings of uncertainty.

Even when you’re feeling shaky and new, even if you’re not sure if or how you will succeed, focus on what you can control and do the best with what you’ve got.
- Shellye Archambeau


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